Which Baitcaster to Buy? Here is The Ultimate Guide

which baitcaster to buy

If you are an angler and looking to make up your game, or are simply in the market for a new fishing reel, then you should consider a baitcaster. A baitcaster is a type of fishing reel that is popular among experienced anglers for its precision and control when casting and retrieving. Unlike spinning reels, baitcasters are mounted above the rod and require a bit more finesse to operate, but they offer a higher level of accuracy and control over the bait or lure. After reading this whole guide you will find the answers to the query of which baitcaster to buy.  

When it comes to choosing the right baitcaster, there are many factors to consider. From gear ratio and spool size to brake systems and bearings, each feature can have a significant impact on your fishing experience. Additionally, there are many different brands and models available, each with its own unique features and price points.

In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the key features to consider when choosing a baitcaster, as well as some of the top brands and models on the market today. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner looking to upgrade your gear, we’ll help you find the right baitcaster to meet your needs and improve your fishing game.

Why Use A Baitcaster Reel?

A baitcasting reel is a fishing tool that uses a revolving spool to hold the fishing line. Unlike spinning reels, baitcasting reels are mounted on top of a fishing rod and require a bit more skill to use. While they may take some practice to master, baitcasting reels offer several advantages over other types of fishing reels, making them a popular choice among anglers.

One of the main advantages of baitcasting reels is their accuracy. With a baitcasting reel, an angler can cast a lure or bait with pinpoint precision, allowing them to place their lure exactly where they want it. This is especially useful when fishing in areas with heavy cover or around structures where accuracy is crucial. Baitcasting reels also allow for greater casting distance, enabling anglers to cover more water and reach fish that may be farther away.

Another advantage of baitcasting reels is their power. Baitcasting reels typically have a higher gear ratio than spinning reels, allowing anglers to retrieve their line quickly and efficiently. This is especially important when fishing for large, powerful fish that require a strong, fast retrieve. Additionally, baitcasting reels allow anglers to apply more pressure on a fish during the fight, increasing the chances of landing the fish.

Baitcasting reels also offer greater control over the presentation of the lure or bait. With a baitcasting reel, an angler can adjust the amount of line that is released during a cast, allowing them to control the speed and depth of their lure or bait. This can be especially useful when fishing in different water depths or when trying to imitate a specific type of baitfish.

Overall, while baitcasting reels may require some practice to master, they offer several advantages over other types of fishing reels. With greater accuracy, power, and control, baitcasting reels are a popular choice among anglers who are looking to improve their fishing game.

Which Baitcaster To Buy

Some popular baitcaster brands include Shimano, Abu Garcia, Daiwa, and Lew’s. Some popular models in the mid-price range include the Shimano SLX, Abu Garcia Revo SX, and Lew’s Mach Crush. Ultimately, the best baitcaster for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Take the time to do your research, read reviews, and try out different models before making a final decision.

When it comes to buying a baitcaster, there are several factors to consider to ensure you get the right one for your needs. Here are some key points to keep in mind:


Baitcasters come in a wide range of prices, so it’s important to set a budget before you start shopping. Keep in mind that higher-end models often come with better features and materials, but that doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to get a good quality baitcaster.

Fishing Style:

The type of fishing you do will also impact the type of baitcaster you need. For example, if you’re fishing in heavy cover or for larger fish, you may want a baitcaster with a higher gear ratio and stronger drag system.

Skill Level: 

Baitcasting reels can be more challenging to use than spinning reels, so it’s important to consider your skill level when choosing a baitcaster. If you’re new to baitcasting, you may want to look for a model that is designed for beginners with features like adjustable brakes and a forgiving spool.

Brand and Reputation:

There are many different brands of baitcasters on the market, so it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable brand known for producing high-quality reels that are durable and reliable.


Comfort is important when fishing, so it’s worth considering the ergonomics of a baitcaster before you buy. Look for a reel that feels comfortable in your hand and has features like an adjustable handle and good grip.

Gear Ratio

The gear ratio of a baitcasting reel is an important factor to consider when selecting a reel for your fishing needs. The gear ratio refers to the number of times the spool rotates for each turn of the reel handle. For example, a gear ratio of 6.3:1 means that the spool rotates 6.3 times for every turn of the handle.

The best gear ratio for a baitcasting reel depends on the specific fishing situation and the angler’s personal preference. A higher gear ratio, such as 7.1:1 or 8.1:1, is ideal for techniques that require a fast retrieve, such as burning a topwater lure or fishing a swimbait. The high gear ratio allows for quick retrieval, enabling the angler to cover more water and entice more bites.

On the other hand, a lower gear ratio, such as 5.4:1 or 6.4:1, is better suited for techniques that require more power, such as deep cranking or jigging. The lower gear ratio provides more torque, allowing the angler to pull larger baits through the water column or fight larger fish with more control.

It’s important to note that gear ratio isn’t the only factor to consider when selecting a baitcasting reel. The size and weight of the reel, the quality of the bearings and drag system, and the line capacity are all important factors to consider as well. Ultimately, the best gear ratio for a baitcasting reel depends on the angler’s fishing style, target species, and personal preference.

BAITCASTING REELS: What to BUY, What not to BUY?

Video By Central Coast Bass YouTube Channel

Frequently Asked Questions

Is braid or mono better for Baitcasters?

When it comes to choosing the best fishing line for baitcasting reels, there are two main options: braided line and monofilament line. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on several factors, including the type of fishing you plan to do, the species you’re targeting, and your personal preferences.

A braided line is made by weaving together multiple strands of synthetic fibers such as Spectra, Dyneema, or polyethylene. It is incredibly strong and has a small diameter, which means you can fit more lines on your reel, making it a good choice for fishing in deep waters. The braided line also has little to no stretch, which allows you to detect even the slightest bites and get a solid hookset.

On the downside, braided line is more visible in the water than monofilament, which can make them less effective in clearwater or when fishing for skittish fish. It is also more prone to wind knots and backlash, which can be frustrating to deal with. 

A Monofilament line, on the other hand, is a single strand of nylon that is more flexible and stretchy than a braided line. It is less visible in the water, making it a good choice for fishing in clear water or when targeting finicky fish. Monofilament is also more forgiving and easier to handle, making it a good choice for beginners or those new to baitcasting reels.

However, a monofilament line has a larger diameter than a braided line, which means you can fit fewer lines on your reel. It is also more prone to breaking and weakening over time, particularly when exposed to sunlight and other environmental factors.

What should my first baitcaster be?

When it comes to choosing your first baitcaster, there are several factors to consider such as your budget, skill level, and intended use. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Skill level
Intended use


After considering the various factors involved in selecting a baitcaster, such as budget, skill level, intended use, and personal preferences, it is clear that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which baitcaster to buy. It is important to do thorough research, read reviews, and even test out different models in person if possible to find the one that best fits your needs and goals. Ultimately, investing in a high-quality baitcaster can greatly enhance your fishing experience and increase your chances of a successful catch.

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