Master 8 Techniques: How to Cast a Trolling Reel Like a Pro

how to cast a trolling reel

Trolling is a popular fishing method that involves removing a lure or bait behind a satisfying boat to entice fish to bite. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to cast a trolling reel, from choosing the right tools to achieving a perfect cast. To successfully catch fish using this technique, it’s fundamental to have the right gear, including a trolling reel.

A trolling reel is designed to handle the heavy weight and resistance of trolling lures, and it requires a unique casting technique to achieve the desired results. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to trolling, this guide will help you master the art of trolling and increase your chances of landing a big catch. So, let’s dip in and discover how to cast a trolling reel.

Fishes live in the sea, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones.

William Shakespeare

How To Cast A Trolling Reel

Casting a trolling reel is an implied skill for anglers who want to catch major game fish like salmon, trout, and tuna. Unlike other fishing methods, trolling involves dragging a baited line behind a moving boat at varying depths, requiring the right equipment, practice, and acquaintance with the water states to achieve.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned angler, this compass will assist you to cast your line with faith and grow your prospects of landing the catch of a lifetime. With practice, casting a trolling reel can become a quick and easy process that will help you capture more fish. So, let’s dive in and learn how to cast a trolling reel like a pro! Casting a trolling reel applies occasional key stages:

  • Set up your equipment
  • Pick the depth you like to fish  
  • Position your boat
  • Let out the line
  • Adjust your drag
  • Troll
  • Monitor your rod
  • Reel in your catch

Set Up Your Equipment

Choose a suitable trolling reel for the target fish species, and attach it to a suitable trolling rod. Spool the reel with the appropriate line and leader. Here’s a general guideline on how to set up a trolling reel. 

  • Select a trolling reel that is fit for your fishing needs, whether for freshwater or saltwater fishing.
  • Connect the reel to a trolling rod with the appropriate power and length.
  • Choose a fishing line with the right weight and length for your intended catch.
  • Spool the fishing line onto the reel following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Tie a swivel to the end of the line.
  • Attach a leader to the swivel, using a fishing knot like the Palomar knot.
  • Pick a lure or bait that is fortunate for trolling.
  • Bind the lure or bait to the leader, using a suitable fishing knot.
  • Adapt the drag on the reel to the suggested setting for your fishing circumstances.
  • Connect the trolling line to a downrigger or planer board, if required.
  • Lower the lure or bait into the water and troll at a reasonable speed for your mark species.
  • Be prepared to set the hook and reel in your net once you feel a bite.

Pick The Depth You Like To Fish 

Utilize a depth sounder or other mode to select the depth of the water and the depth at which you want to suppose. To decide the depth you want to fish to when operating a trolling reel, you require to assess the species you are targeting and their best depth, as well as characteristics such as water temperature, time of day, and weather requirements.

In general, we are discussing more in-depth how to cast a trolling reel. You can use a fishfinder or depth sounder to encounter the depth where the fish are discovered and adjust your trolling speed and the amount of line you let out to reach that depth. It’s also significant to monitor your line and acclimate as essential to support the desired depth.

Position Your Boat

It’s necessary to hold a constant speed and trend while trolling, so assume utilizing a trolling motor or other ways to maintain your boat on track. Further, make sure to hold an eye out for other boats and obstructions in the water to bypass any accidents.

Place your boat so that you can troll in the direction you want to fish, and at the speed, you want to fish. To arrange your boat to cast a trolling reel, observe these steps:

  • Determine the compass of your trolling path established on the site of the fish and the wind and current conditions.
  • Gradually drive your boat in the desired direction, keeping your trolling acceleration between 2-4 knots.
  • Once you have reached your wanted starting point, relieve your speed and put the boat idle.
  • Turn the boat to face the direction of the trolling path, while keeping the boat’s speed at idle.
  • Stand at the back of the boat, retaining the trolling rod in one hand and the reel in the different.
  • Throw the line out after the boat, letting out an adequate line so that your interest is at the wished depth.
  • Encounter the reel and start trolling at a deliberate and steady speed.
  • Retain an eye on your rod tip for any bites or differences in tension in the line.

Let Out The Line

Hire the reel, and permit enough line out so that your bait or interest will be at the selected depth. Make sure to rehearse the process to complete a smooth and accurate cast. However, here is the explanation of Letting out the line to cast a trolling reel. To let out the line to cast a trolling reel, follow the steps below:

  1. Keep the rod firmly and hold your wrist straight.
  2. Employ your other hand to keep the line against the rod.
  3. Try the switch or flip the lever on the reel to free the spool.
  4. Fastly bring the rod back and turn it ahead.
  5. When the rod goes to its highest point, release the line from your other hand and let the weight of the lure pull the line off the reel.
  6. Observe the lure with your rod tip to advise it to the desired location.
  7. Reel in the slack line and wait for the fish to bite.

Adjust Your Drag

Remember to modify the drag therefore based on the size and weight of the fish you are targeting to prevent line breakage or lost nets. Put your drag according to the kind of fish you are targeting and the size of your line.

To adjust the drag on a trolling reel, follow these steps:

  • Keep the rod and reel in your predominant hand, with your thumb on the spool.
  • Pivot the drag adjustment knob on the top of the reel to ease or tighten the drag.
  • To loosen the drag, turn the knob counterclockwise. To tighten the drag, twist the knob clockwise.
  • Sample the drag by tightening the line with your other hand. It should free smoothly when the drag is set perfectly.

To cast a trolling reel, follow these steps:

  • Make sure the line is spooled onto the reel correctly and the lure or bait is secured.
  • Hold the rod with both hands, with your dominant hand grasping the handle and your other hand controlling the rod above the reel.
  • Indicate the rod tip towards the water and pull the lure or bait back to load the rod.
  • Use your prevailing hand to free the line and track through with the casting motion.
  • As the lure or bait lands in the water, encounter the reel by turning the handle to start trolling.


Gradually drive your boat in the demand you like to fish while maintaining your line taut. It can guide to a fishing method where a baited line is unhurriedly pulled behind a moving boat. To cast a trolling reel, one typically attaches a lure or bait to a fishing line, drops the line over the side of the boat, and slowly moves the boat ahead while keeping tension on the line in order to attract fish to bite.

Monitor Your Rod

Watch your rod tip for any movement or signs of a bite, and be ready to set the hook if necessary. All-around, we are examining additional info on how to cast a trolling reel which is based on what most experienced fishers know about the topic, here are the steps to monitor your rod to cast a trolling reel:

  1. Select the correct fishing rod for trolling. A trolling rod is longer and more easygoing than other rods, permitting you to control the bait or lure at the right depth.
  2. Connect the trolling reel to the rod. The reel should be scaled so that the grip is facing toward the angler.
  3. Set the drag on the reel. This is influential to confirm that the fish does not pull the line too hard and break it. The drag can be adjusted by turning a knob on the reel.
  4. Pict he baits or lures. This hinges on the type of fish you are trying to catch and the water situation.
  5. Cast the line. To cast, hold the rod with both hands and lift it to the 10 o’clock situation. Then, swing it back towards the 2 o’clock position and free the line. The bait or lure should be at the right depth for trolling.
  6. Monitor the rod. As you troll, keep an eye on the rod tip for any activity or bites. If the rod tip twists, it indicates a fish has taken the bait.
  7. Reel in the fish. Once you feel the fish pulling on the line, start reeling it in. Use the drag to possess the tension on the line and evade breaking it.
  8. Repeat the process. If you catch a fish, repeat the strategy to catch more.


In conclusion, casting a trolling reel can seem intimidating at first, but with the right equipment and technique, it can be a valuable addition to any angler’s repertoire. It is essential to choose the appropriate line and lure, adjust the drag and release, and practice a smooth and controlled casting motion.

With these tips in mind, you can effectively cast your trolling reel learn how to cast a trolling reel like a pro! and enjoy the thrill of catching larger fish species in open waters. Remember to always practice safety measures and follow local fishing regulations for the best experience. Happy fishing!


What is the difference between bait casting and trolling reels?

Baitcasting reels are developed for accurate casting and precision. They let the angler hold the lure or bait’s position and direction with a high degree of accuracy. They also offer more authority and keenness over the fish once hooked.

On the other hand, trolling reels are prepared for fishing while the boat is moving, with lures or baits being trailed behind the boat. They are organized to be powerful and durable and have a higher line capacity, so they can handle larger and stronger fish.

In overview, the key distinction between bait casting and trolling reels is that bait casting reels are designed for precision casting while trolling reels are invented for fishing while the boat is moving.

How to cast a fishing rod for beginners?

  • Set up your fishing rod
  • Attach the fishing line to the rod’s tip and tie a suitable hook or lure at the end of the line.
  • Position yourself
  • Hold the rod
  • Prepare to cast
  • Swing the rod.
  • Release the line

How to cast a spinning reel?

Keep the rod and reel in your prevailing hand and recognize your index finger on the line at the bail of the reel.

Keep the rod and reel at a 45-degree angle with the rod tip pointing towards the ground.

Quickly swing the rod tip up and negligibly behind you, and as you do this, free the line from your finger so it can begin to come off the reel.

Can a trolling reel be used for casting?

Using a trolling reel for casting is feasible, though primarily intended for trolling. These reels, equipped with features like a line counter and designed for dragging bait, can be adapted for casting with suitable adjustments. While not as efficient as dedicated baitcasting reels, they can serve for casting in scenarios needing a faster presentation, provided the angler adjusts the reel and considers bait type and lure weight.

What is the difference between a baitcaster and a trolling reel?

The difference between a baitcaster and a trolling reel lies in their specific functionalities for casting and trolling respectively. Baitcasting reels like the Gomexus are designed to provide a comfortable cast while working with heavy lures. They have a lower center of gravity which aids in handling heavier versions of bait more effectively.

On the other hand, trolling reels typically offer a greater line capacity and are engineered to endure higher drag pressure. Their primary use revolves around trolling, dragging bait or lures behind a moving boat, making them well-suited for this purpose.

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